Learn Cybersecurity. Pass your Exams.
Ethernet Networking. Switching and Routing. Web Apps. N-Tier Apps. TCP/IP. Protocols. Procedures. Cybersecurity tools like NMAP for Scanning, Nessus for vulnerability scanning, NetCat for Remote Access Metasploit for it's exploitation framework, Wireshark for sniffing, Burp Suite a web proxy, aircrack-ng suite for Wireless, Hydra for password cracking, John the Ripper for password hash cracking Snort an IDS.
Starting at Security+ and moving through CEH, you will need all of this knowledge to be competent for Cybersecurity. Get it all here at the24HourHacker.com
Starting at Security+ and moving through CEH, you will need all of this knowledge to be competent for Cybersecurity. Get it all here at the24HourHacker.com